About Us: So who are these authors?
It is important to know something about the people you are working
with... that's why we designed this page.
We first came to Australia in 1974 as secondary teachers. Our
next career move came in 1986 when we joined the team at Crossway
Pastoral Counselling
By 2006, we found ourselves in common purpose with an amazing group
of about 20 to 25 dedicated people, including 10 counsellors,
assorted trainees and support staff. If was an amazing
2009, we jumped into a whole new career – mentoring and coaching ….
with Website and Blog design on the side.
In is from this solid
base of experience, commitment and vision we have presented this
website for you.
Most the PLR eBooks began as part of the project through Stephen
Pierce's MRMI Internet membership site. I am one of his affiliate
members and wish to thank Stephen and his team for their excellent
It really is an Internet business that works!!!
'MRMI SuperCash' trial -
$1 for the first month
and then $39.97 per month.
Further information:
Please note that all the material on this website is designed
as an educational project. If any areas need component counsellor or GP
help, please refer to them. None of the worksheets or the eBooks are meant to be a
diagnostic tool. Always seek competent help for areas of

Because all the eBooks are marked on a special sale price, we have
not offered a money back guarantee. However, if you have any
complaint, comments or encouragements about the eBooks about this
site, please contact us on
Thanks for joining us on this part of your journey!
Another project or ours:
It's a collection of items that might interest
you - if you are thinking about web design.
Thanks for joining us on the Good Mental
Health Care Website! May you enjoy the spiritual, emotional
and physical health your Creator wanted you to have!
 © 2008 www.anvisionwebtemplates.com All Rights Reserved.
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www.mentalhealth.mentorsnotebook.com © 2010